East European Genealogical Society Logo
Hero Image of men on smaller photographs

Get Involved

Genealogy can sometimes seem like a solitary venture but it can be richly rewarding to get involved with genealogical societies. On the one hand, you benefit from the resources offered and the networking opportunities provided. On the other hand, giving back to the organization can be very satisfying. There are many ways to get involved with the East European Genealogical Society!


The East European Genealogical Society is a non-profit registered charity run entirely by volunteers and has no paid staff. We are proud that we have been able to grow and maintain our membership with funding coming solely from membership fees and donations.

Your donations help support our projects, programs, and collections. At times, they also help defray costs. By choosing to support us, your generosity ensures that we can continue to provide guidance to all those interested in their eastern European heritage.

Canadians who donate more than $10 will receive a charitable tax receipt.

If you aren't in a position to donate money, you may wish to donate your time.

Donate now!


Have you heard the proverb many hands make light work? This is particularly true for non-profit organizations such as ours. Contributing your time not only helps us but also provides you with a networking opportunity to meet like-minded people and make new friends. Opportunities abound for all levels of experience ranging from occasional tasks to committee participation to leadership.

There are several different ways for members to give back. Below are just a few:

  • • Stewardship - The biggest way to have an impact on our organization is to get involved as part of the Executive or Council.
  • • Publications - You could assist in producing or distributing our journal. Production includes editing, proofreading, writing original articles, or suggesting other articles of interest.
  • • Programs - You could share your experience with members in a presentation.
  • • Website content development - This is a new area for us! We strive to develop a content-rich site for both the public and members alike. Help us shape what that looks like!
  • • Research support - Do you feel you have strengths or expertise in a given area or topic? Perhaps you could provide guidance and support to newer members.
  • • Outreach - The EEGS often participates in cultural events in and around Winnipeg. This requires volunteers to assist Council members in staffing our booth.
  • • Fundraising - From time-to-time, special projects may require fund-raising. We would welcome assistance with fundraising, grant writing, and grant applications.

Those who are not members of the Society are also welcome to volunteer. We welcome proposals for presentations to be given at our monthly membership meetings held from September through May. While presenters are not paid, we do offer a modest honorarium as a form of compensation.

If you’re interested in volunteering, let us know.

Submit an Article

We are always looking for original or especially relevant material for publication in our East European Genealogist journal. We seek articles that are educational and have a teaching focus, with content that provides an opportunity for members to learn something that will be helpful in their own research, regardless of one’s background or area of research. Articles may deal with any aspect of genealogical research, preferably with a focus on research in eastern Europe. In addition to being educational, articles offer inspiration to newer members so that they too can expand their knowledge and research skills to achieve success with their genealogical searches.

All submitted material will be considered for publication. However, the editors have the option of editing, reserving, or choosing not to publish submissions. Please indicate if the material has previously appeared in or been submitted to another publication.

Article guidelines:

  • • The journal uses the Chicago Manual of Style as a guide for formatting, usage, and grammar. Article may be submitted in this format or will be modified to be consistent with this format.
  • • Articles may be 5-15 pages long, double spaced.
  • • Include sources, references, endnotes, footnotes and bibliographies where applicable.
  • • Provide images as separate .JPG files, citing sources and permissions where applicable.

Authors whose submissions are accepted for publication will receive three complimentary copies of theEast European Genealogist issue as compensation.

Articles published in the East European Genealogist are subject to re-publication limitations as determined by the EEGS.

If you have questions or wish to submit an article, please contact the Publications Chair.